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Make an Action Plan for your Money!

Know where your money goes and decide what to do with it in a way that

  • doesn't hurt your head

  • makes sense

  • feels empowering 


Your money can bring you joy, while taking care of your needs. No matter how much you make. We’ll show you how. 

Does thinking about Money make you queasy?


Money can be stressful and cause feelings of anxiety, especially when you worry about having enough of it.


Untangle Money shows where your money is currently going - whether it's spent on non-negotiables, joyfulness, or future-use. With your Action Plan, you decide how to adjust where your money goes, so you can be thoughtful, deliberate, and active in your money decisions.
Untangle Money is NOT financial advising. We do not tell you which investments or funds to buy. We help with money planning and explain the different types of investments you could make. We create awareness and thoughtfulness about money to make Money feel less stressful.

Be in control of your Money

Untangle puts you in control by creating awareness and clarity about where your money goes today and helps you decide where it could go instead.


What you get

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A clear picture of where your money is going today and what your financial future could be if nothing changes

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An  understanding of which areas you can adjust to change your financial future

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An actionable plan for your money based on your personal inputs of what's important to you

A Clear and Actionable Plan for your Money

A simple way to think about your Money

1 / Non-negotiable Money

Spending on commitments or items that are non-negotiable to you

2 / Joyful Money

Spending on things that bring you joy

3 /Future Money

Setting aside something to use later - an emergency or your retirement

" I’m not sure you realize how much of an impact this has had on me, and how much you’ve helped me. "

Anna L.

Get started. It's easy!


Purchase online


Fill in & input your numbers


Schedule a session

We don't manage your investments. With you, we build your customized Money Action Plan. Click here to learn more about our products

Untangle Money Products

3 ways to build your Money Plan
Untangle MINI

This is our game-changer. This is how we move the dial for women, and couples, at scale.


The Untangle MINI - AUTO is our web app that provides everything you need to get an action plan for your money.


Except: you don't need to tell anyone your money numbers, you can be in your jammies, working through your journey on your own time, while still getting the answers to your questions of, "What can I afford?" and,  "Will I be okay, financially, in the future?".


Designed to be your financial compass, you can check in with your money dashboard and see your progress.



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Untangle MINI
- White Glove
Untangle MAXI
- White Glove

Experience the simplicity of the Untangle MINI. This is your financial health checkup. It is designed for anyone who feels unsure about their money.


If you are struggling with managing your finances or you feel anxious that you're not sure you're doing the 'right thing' with your money, the Untangle MINI is the product for you.


Once you make a purchase, you'll receive an email with the first step of your Untangle MINI: filling in a few details about your savings, pension, debts, and expenses.


When you are ready: schedule a call to work with your consultant and craft your personalized financial plan.


During your 1-on-1 session, your dedicated expert will ensure your financial success. You will learn the basics of how money and investing work for your money.


We're here to make sure you feel set up for success, and we'll keep working with you until you get there.


Starting with your Untangle MINI, the Untangle MAXI is the optimal choice if you have a significant life change on the horizon!


Perfect for moments with more moving pieces, such as welcoming a new baby, experiencing a change in your relationship status, switching jobs, and making a large purchase like buying a car or house.


This complete product combines the Untangle MINI with 3-4 additional sessions with your financial expert.


Beyond creating your financial plan, these sessions offer clear steps to kickstart your investment journey.


Tailored for those navigating more intricate financial circumstances, the Untangle MAXI is your advanced solution. 

$149  coming soon

The average independent financial plan costs $3,000 - $4,000 to create a financial plan.


The Untangle MINI offers significant savings because we are focused on creating our automated solution so that more people can benefit from the clarity and relief that comes from knowing what to do with your money.

If your head is nodding right now, then you need to check out our revolutionary Untangle MINI financial health check-up.

Fancy a sneak peak?

You can see a walkthrough of the Untangle MINI in this video.

Ready To Take Your First Step Towards Financial Freedom?

Schedule a free personalized 15-minute call with us.
Whether you have specific goals or want to explore your options, our team is here to help!

Planning for retirement should look different for women and men given the different life cycles.

If women follow the same retirement plan as men, they will fall short in retirement. 


Retirement system providers should target women differently, give women the confidence to handle their finances and consider different, perhaps riskier, investment strategies.


Employers should review their benefits systems through a gender lens, to ensure options and communications meet the needs of both sexes.

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