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Sandra's Story

Like 87% of women, Sandra wants help with her money.

She has the sense that she needs to do something with her money

but doesn't trust that the banks have her best interests in mind.

She's wondering what she can afford, and if she'll be okay.

years old

Per month (take home)

Per month

Per month

These are Sandra's numbers. Let's look at how we use this information below:

Sandra's NOW Money

What's left over is Flex Money. This is the money that

Flex Money

(20% minimum, if possible)

= $ 800 / month
= $ 184 / week
= $ 26.00 / day
= $ 4.80  / workhour

This is the money that comes into her bank account on a regular basis.


We're going to start filling it up with where Sandra spends her money.


Retirement Contributions

$ 1000 / mon

Committed Money

$ 2,000 / mon

Minimum Debt

$ 200 / mon

Sandra's NOW Money

At a 6% rate of return (getting her money working harder), there are 2 things you'll want to noitce in Sandra's NOW Money.


1. The amount Sandra puts towards retirement has decreased from

$1,000 / month to $767 / month,

2. Sandra's Flex Money has increased from $800 / month to $1,033 / month which. means she has more money to spend on food, clothes, gifts & all the things!

Flex Money

(20% minimum, if possible)

= $ 1 ,033 / month
= $ 237 / week
= $ 33.96  / day
= $ 6.20 / workhour

Retirement Contributions

$ 767 / mon

Life Happens Contributions


Comitted Money

$ 2,000 / mon

Minimum Debt

$ 200 / mon

Sandra's Retirement Money Needs
In an ideal situation where Sandra wants to maintain her current lifestyle
during retirement, we estimate Sandra will need:
Retirement Target:
$1,135 / month

@ 2% inflation

Sandra's FUTURE Money - Current Projection
We'll start with a 4.5% rate of return on her investments because this is what most women get.
Based on her NOW money, plus any current retirement money, we estimate that at retirement, Sandra will have:
Projected totals:
98% of target

@ 2% inflation

@ 4.5% return on her investments


Investment Earnings

This is Sandra's Money Working for her


Predicted Need

For Sandra to live the same life she leads today.

Future Money from Budget

$428 / month

This is what Sandra can afford with her NOW Money.
NOTE: As she pays down debt, that money also goes towards her future money.
Now, let's see what happens if Sandra gets her money working a little harder for her.
Sandra's FUTURE Money - Current Projection
Notice two really important things:
1. Not only does Sandra fully fund her retirement, but also
2. notice that her Flex Money has increased!
Projected totals:
100% of target

@ 2% inflation

@ 6% return on her investments

Future Money_2.png
Scroll down to compare Sandra's two scenarios.
Sandra's FUTURE Money
Sandra's NOW Money

Base case using 4.5% return on investments before retirement.

Flex Money
(20% minimum, if possible)
= $ 800 / month
= $ 1,000 / month
Committed Money
= $ 2,000 / month

Minimum Debt

= $ 200 / mo

Projected totals:
98% of target

@ 2% inflation


Increasing rate of return before retirement to 6%.

NOTICE: Not only does Sandra fully fund her retirment,

but notice that her Flex Money has also increased!!

Flex Money
= $ 1,033 / month
= $ 767/ month
Committed Money
= $ 2,000 / month

Minimum Debt

$ 200 / mo

Projected totals:
100% of target

@ 2% inflation

Future Money_2.png

Pre-Order Now

Do you want to find out your Flex Money and
your Monthly Retirement amounts are?

Launching October 15th!
Pre-order your Untangle MINI AUTO before July 1st, and you can get 40% off price (normally $149+tax, for the year).

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